AI In The Next Pandemic

The current pandemic has changed the world in more than one way, the concept of social distancing has become a global activity. eCommerce has become as common as using social media, in general, personal health and personal hygiene have taken a center stage. Other than the political turmoil which followed after the initial effects, technology has played a huge role in controlling such as geo-fencing to stop the spread on a local level, OTA platforms helped the lockdowns to be more bearable, cloud computing helped to scale up applications to cope with the extra load on them and so on. One of the technologies which were working in the shadows was AI, an AI technology called Eva was used in Greece to pick out asymptomatic carriers from the airports, another AI called Bluedot was used all over the world to predict the spread of the disease, HealthMap was used in the Boston area to predict the spread, catch asymptomatic carriers, thus notifying early warnings about a potential outbreak.

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AI In This Pandemic

So if there is a trend in the last paragraph was that none of them detected the pandemic itself, so where did and what did go wrong? The simple answer is that the technology was used in many different fields, but never in the healthcare field to the extent as we are using now after the beginning of the pandemic. So how can AI help us with the next pandemic and not with this one? In this pandemic, AI was used in different ways, one AI was used to scrape and extract information from health officials, websites, news portals from all the countries to get a predictive analysis to know where the next hotspot will be and the result were “China, Italy, Iran, and the US” which is on point. Now companies are a little secretive about how they reached this conclusion exactly, and it is not surprising as well, but the predictive power of AI is being sharpened as we speak, and as the growth of technology has been exponential in the past decades, when it comes next pandemic, the predictive power of AI is difficult to comprehend even now.


AI In The Next Pandemic

So we all know AI has the power to predict within a margin of error, so how else can AI help in the next pandemic? There are two other places where AI can help, they are early detection and cure. Let’s start with early detection, AI has been used to read medical images such as MRI scans, X-rays, and more. So this directly does not translate to identifying any new diseases, the knowledge required to extract data from a medical image will take time. So how will AI be in the next pandemic? With Covid19 AI has been exposed to variants of the disease, this means that the data required to master the detection of diseases which used to take time will not be the same when it comes to the next pandemic. As collaboration has become an imperative after the current pandemic, the lack of data for AI to learn about diseases will be a thing of the past. When it comes to cures, AI can quickly search through millions of biological or molecular structures to find a cure for many diseases. AI can further predict the evolutions of diseases as well.

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